Part 3 of 3 in an interview with V. Talking about the journey, the opening up to yourself. What is my purpose? Tools will wake us up to this.
List of triggers. Sitting with feelings. Meditation.
Vanessa has offered a
to our listenership!
Gifts from V:
To receive these gifts from V, text to the number: 44222 the message VTOOLS no spaces and you will receive the digital copy delivered right to your inbox.
Thank you to Vanessa Feils for a wonderful series of interviews about Awakening to your Purpose in 2016!
To learn more about Dr. Maj, text to the number: 44222 the message YOUCANBEWELL no spaces and you will receive the digital copy of her book delivered right to your inbox.
You Can Be Well, too!
Dr. Stephanie Maj
Women Seeking Wellness