2 of a 3 part series with the hormone expert, Dr. Lovely. She breaks down the hormone cycle for women, in detail. She also gives many tips to help.
Dr. Fiona tells her story of how birth control pill caused cervical dysplasia. When she stopped taking it, the dysplasia disappeared.
Progesterone commonly used is made in a lab and not protective of tissue and what was fingered in study linking hormone replacement to cancer. Bioidentical Hormones do not have same effect.
Smoking and hormone replacement…a deadly cocktail.
Meditation is key to relieve stress to calm your hormones. Chiropractic, get toxic relationships out of your life…all help your hormones.
Soy is not your friend. Cook your brussel sprouts.
Join Dr. Steph for her 10X UR Energy in 3 Easy Steps Webinar – Free to her listeners! Tuesday, May 31st @ 1pm CST (replays all week) Go to http://drmaj.com/10X
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To learn more about Dr. Maj, text to the number: 44222 the message YOUCANBEWELL no spaces and you will receive the digital copy of her book delivered right to your inbox.
Dr. Fiona Lovely brings to her listeners the expertise gleaned from a more than a decade of clinical primary care giving. She has many years of training in the fields of restorative endocrinology, functional neurology and functional medicine as well as the professional designation of Doctor of Chiropractic. She has been helping women with their hormonal and life challenges her entire professional life. She is a skilled meditator, energy medicine practitioner and values authenticity above all else.
She is a learner, a teacher, a doctor, an investigator of body and mind, an archaeologist of dis-ease, a healer, a friend. She can get down to the origin of the problem rapidly, allowing her clinical experience and intuition to guide her and her patients to great health, happiness and peace of mind.
Also a beach faring, daydreaming, yoga loving, star gazing, hippie at heart,
Dr. Lovely dreams in the colour of ocean and with the sound of waves. She lives for the serene times out of the city with her husband Aaron travelling and experiencing new things. She isn’t sure where her deep reverence for nature comes from but thinks it might be from years playing on the family farm as a child. She is also an admirer of the absurd, an epicurean and a hack golfer.
You Can Be Well, too!
Dr. Stephanie Maj
Women Seeking Wellness