My iPhone is stealing my humanity!! I cannot seem to put that darn thing down. I have to admit, I LOVE IT! Love the access to the world. I post my blogs from it. All the pictures on this blog are taken and edited on my iPhone 6+ (because bigger IS better!)
This is the problem, it is also the biggest TIME SUCK known to man (or woman.) Why do I feel the need to fill every free, unstructured moment with this information? Where is the zen in all that? Using those spaces in my day to just be present slows my life down. Wakes me up. Makes me feel more alive!
Try it. Put your phone down. More than that, put your phone AWAY! Spend a day not having it in the waiting room, red lights or commercials on the TV. Try it. I am telling you, it is HARD!
I am making the commitment to step away. Time magazine just posted an article about how to battle your smartphone addiction. Check it out.