Sometimes the world is kinda funny. This morning I had a long conversation with a member of my practice about the crying child that just left my office. I was explaining that just the sight of me sends her off the rails.
After 20+ years in practice, I don’t take these things personally. I was talking about a book that explains this behavior. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (I like to say “Won’t Shut Up!) Shy people tend to be sensitive babies. Knowing that over a third of the population is introverted gives some space to these children & my hope is that parents learn to parent respecting who their children are & meet them there. In other words, shyness is not a disorder to overcome!
I know it might be hard to believe that I am an introvert. The way I recharge is by being alone so I have the energy to be social and dynamic. I have already admitted my addiction to my iPhone and I am always looking for a bit a quiet in my life.
This leads me to my coincidence not a coincidence moment today. Trying a new podcast for a long drive today & it happen to be about how to get quiet in the age of the internet. Note to Self is a podcast that talks about finding balance in the digital age. This particular one was talking about finding a quiet space. I am listening and who is it they are interviewing, Susan Cain, the author of the introvert book! Here is her TED talk.