Let me help you create your own COVID-19 Action Plan!
We are here at Community Chiropractic to help you navigate these confusing and scary times. Our hope is to give you proactive tools you and your family can use to build your own natural immunity and feel more empowered with regard to your health.
Below are ways we are keeping you safe in our office as well as a list of supplements that will boost your own natural immunity. I also put my immune system boosting podcast links below.
Remember…#1 is GET ADJUSTED! Tons of studies showing a chiropractic adjustment boosts T-cell levels in the body!
FYI…These are steps we take EVERYDAY of the year to keep our office as clean as possible. We are tripling our efforts to honor the members of our practice.
- We are wiping down surfaces multiple times each day with a disinfectant.
- The table(s) you are adjusted on have face paper that is single use, changed out each time a patient is adjusted. We wipe the tables regularly. We use the strongest antiviral/bacterial cleaner on those surfaces and the protection lasts 12 hours.
- We are keeping our immune systems healthy, and are here to serve you with the awesome immune boosting power of chiropractic care!
- Get adjusted! People under regular chiropractic care have much stronger immune systems.
- Wash your hands and do not touch your face.
- Eat healthy food with a minimum of sugar and processed foods.
- Sleep adequately – usually 7-8 hours per night for adults, and up to 12 hours a night for children.
- Hydrate with beverages that do not contain sugar or caffeine.
- Take supplements.
- Exercise to your tolerance.
- Eat garlic regularly.
- Have effective tools to address stress.
- Do not smoke and stay away from second hand smoke as it is a potent immune suppressive and weakens the lungs.
Daily supplements for prevention:
Vitamin C: 1000 mg
Vitamin D: 8000 IU (125 mg)
Bio Immunozyme Forte: 2-6 capsules/day with food
Zinc: 75-100 mg/day
Probiotics: 30 billion CFUs
Vitamin A: 10,000 IU
Omega Fats: EPA/DHA 2000 mg
Supplements for treatment:
Same as above and additionally:
Elderberry: 2000 mg/day
NAC: 1200 mg/day
Gargle with salt water or apple cider vinegar twice daily
Anti-viral: ADP/Oil of Oregano 2 tablets/day
Selenium: 200 mg/day (specifically helpful for COVID-19)
To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.
To make an appointment, call 773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net
1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657
To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.